
What is Tabletop Gaming?

Players use a set of 7 dice, assorted maps, papers, pens, and wild stories while they work to complete quests.

But at it’s simplest? It’s a beautiful artwork of collaborative storytelling. It’s the epic tale that emerges when a group of players gathers around the gaming table with some dice and their imaginations.

No two game sessions are EVER the same. One group may develop a complicated plan to distract the guard and steal the artifact. Another group may just burst into the room in a violent frenzy, kill all, and take it. Group 3 may decide to negotiate their way through and charm the guard into giving them the artifact.

It’s a great way to really get to know yourself and the people around you. You may discover sides of you that were hidden.

Your party needs to work as a team to solve puzzles, avoid traps, defeat monsters, and complete the quest. That’s one of the reasons tabletop gaming is great for Team Building exercises.

I’ve never played. What do I need to know?

You’ll choose a pre-generated character if you’re starting with The Tevarian Tomb. That’s the beginner level 1 adventure. It is specifically designed to  introduce you to the rules as you play. 

The Tevarian Tomb is perfect for:

  • the brand-new players
  • Players with little experience
  • Players that used to play previous editions of D&D years ago but aren’t sure of the 5th edition rules
  • Anyone that just wants to start out a level 1 character, just wants to play, and is willing to play at a slower pace so the newer players can learn

There are several benefits to starting at The Tevarian Tomb. It is the first of the Copper Dragon series of adventures.

There are new new adventures released often. Several of the storylines are linked but not always. Any can be played without having played the other one-shots, but if you want the full story, start at a beginner level. New genres such as steampunk, space, mysteries, and horror are also available or coming soon. 

Just feel like some heart-pounding combat? Arena battles are usually on Sunday afternoons but can be requested for any other day (depends on current schedule). 

Special events, such as the Halloween one-shot, will be announced throughout the year. Be sure to sign up for email notification for new release dates and special events.

What should I expect?

Rules are based on the D&D 5th edition ruleset. Some homebrew rules may be used and will be explained during session.

Your dungeon master will email after you reserve your seat with more specific instructions.

On game night, we will have some basic snacks available – bottles of water, coffee, maybe some chips, some fruit. You are welcome to bring your own snacks/drinks.

Because it’s a business, we play a fairly wholesome game (think PG-13).

Your only requirement is that you respect your fellow players and game master. Overt sexual acts, racism, harassment, homophobia/transphobia, and IRL violence have no place at this table.

Sessions last 3-5 hours depending on the choices players make. There will be breaks as needed. Evening games can end anywhere between 9:30pm – midnight depending on the choices the players make.

Feel free to dress up in fantasy style clothing or cosplay as your character! I often dress up as well! Dressing as your character is optional. Doing a “voice” for your character is optional as well.

Why should I hire a professional dungeonmaster/gamemaster?

There are a few reasons why you might want to hire a professional Dungeon Master (DM) for your tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) session:

  1. Time: Running a TTRPG can be time-consuming, especially if you are the DM. A professional DM can take on the role of preparing the game and running it, freeing up your time to focus on playing the game.
  2. Expertise: Professional DMs are experienced in running games and can bring a level of expertise and professionalism to the table. They can also help newer players understand the rules and mechanics of the game.
  3. Consistency: Having a professional DM can help provide consistency from session to session. You know this integral person for the game will show up. This can often be a problem for games with friends.
  4. Improving the overall gaming experience: A professional DM can help create an immersive and enjoyable experience for all players. We use lighting, music, ambient sounds, and more to help immerse the player in the game world. A good DM also helps keep the game running smoothly, which can help everyone stay engaged and have more fun.

Overall, hiring a professional DM can be help improve your overall gaming experience and make it more enjoyable for everyone involved.


How Do I Get Started?

Step 1:
If you’ve played before and don’t want to start at level 1, skip to Step 2. 

If you’re a new player and want to get started with The Tevarian Tomb, go to the Characters page and choose a pregenerated character.

Step 2: Select I’m Ready in the menu to send your choice to the Game Master

Step 3: Go to the Eventbrite page and choose your adventure and session date. Reserve your seat.

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